Considering Volt / Var Optimization for your Distribution Line to keep up with DERS?
Here are 5 reasons to consider AMSC’s VVO:
- Enhancing feeder voltage regulation performance
- Low-Cost upgrade for increasing DG hosting capacity and EV fast charging capacity
- Quickly solve flicker and power quality problems
- Interconnect solar/DG plants in existing feeders
- Eliminate conservation voltage reduction (CVR) performance bottlenecks
AMSC’s D-VAR VVO® is a distribution class shunt compensation system that provides utilities & project developers with a purpose-built tool to address applications that demand fast and precise volt/VAR compensation, such as those driven by increased DER penetration. D-VAR VVO builds upon over 20 years of experience in manufacturing and deployment of D-VAR® dynamic reactive power solutions in utility networks. Featuring continuous control of reactive current, these power electronic compensators can be used to solve dynamic response limitations and costly mechanical wear issues associated with conventional switched cap banks and tap changing regulator.